RE: [Evolution] "Alarms for past events" bug still present in 1.2.2

Sometimes it starts without any problems,
sometimes it does not (I think it's equally
likely). If it doesn't start, new "evolution" 
process appears, but there is no GUI: neither
starting splash, nor main app window. oaf-slay -l
usually shows evolution and oafd.
Following advice I read here some time ago, I use
oaf-slay to kill these processes. After that,
Evolution starts. I think it happens after OS booting
- if I stop running Evo and start again, it usually

Do you have any idea about alarm problems ?
I can use oaf-slay if there is no other way,
but the whole calendar is not really useful
without alarms :( 
Other people confirmed this, so it seems it's
not only my problem.


Jaroslaw Nozderko
GSM +48 601131870 / Kapsch (22) 6075013
jaroslaw nozderko polkomtel com pl
IT/CCBS/RS - Analyst Programmer

-----Original Message-----
From: Ettore Perazzoli [mailto:ettore ximian com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 1:13 PM
To: Jarosław Nozderko
Cc: evolution lists ximian com
Subject: RE: [Evolution] "Alarms for past events" bug still present in

On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 03:09, Jarosław Nozderko wrote:
By the way, "Don't start without oaf-slay" bug seems
to be still present in 1.2.2.

Weird, that should definitely not be happening.  What are the exact
symptoms for you?  Evolution doesn't start?

-- Ettore

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