Re: [Evolution] Long lines and line wrap; revisited

On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 12:15, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:

Personally, I'd hate it when evo would start breaking up long lines -
when I send mail with a long line, I'd like it to be kept because I made
it long on purpose...

But this is again one of those areas where tastes differ - perhaps a
user setting would be in order?

If I understand you correctly, then such a setting already exists:
select the long line in question, and choose "Preformat" in the
drop-down at the top of the message area (where it normally says...


Richard Bellavance                   COGNICASE inc.
Analyste-programmeur principal       Hébergement, sécurité et réseaux
T.: 514-732-8000 #4153               20, Place du Commerce
F.: 514-732-8021                     Verdun, Qc, H3E 1Z6, CANADA

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