Re: [Evolution] Contacts & Siganutre 1.4.x->2.3.6

hi kimmo,

Am Montag, den 15.08.2005, 09:19 +0300 schrieb Kimmo Elo:
we are encountering severe Problems by importing old contacts and
signature from 1.4.x to 2.3.6. Evo does not recognize the old
installation and does not import the old settings as it was supposed
do. We have succeeded in importing old mails, but contacts and
sigantures will not do.

as notzed already wrote: if you haven't run evolution-2, it should
automatically import all 1.4 data when starting it for the first time.
how exactly did you "import"?

We simply copied to old signature from ~/evolution... into
~/.evolution/signature, but we just cannot see the signatures in
Edit->Preferences->Editor preferences-Signatures. I know we could do
by cut-and-paste, but there are over 20 signatures, so this is not an
option! All ideas are welcome!

i guess that your evolution settings in gconf [1] have messed up. check
the content of the gconf key "/apps/evolution/mail/signatures".
perhaps only the filenames (=locations) of your signatures have to be
adjusted, dunno...

The contacts are not imported at all.

so you have only one empty folder?


[1] you can edit gconf graphically by using "gconf-editor" or at the
shell by running "gconftool-2".

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