Re: [Evolution] Any suggested workarounds for yet one more interface quirk?

Oh how I wish that someone on the interface team would be a keyboard
oriented person!  I say that because it seems unlikely that there is
such a person on the interface team or else, if there is, that they
don't have much say so.  I hate to gripe about these interface quirks
but they are really annoying and quite frankly, quite ridiculous.

I'm not an Evo (or even Gnome) developer, but I have seen in the past
that Evo tries to stick to the Gnome HIG (Human interface guidelines -  Perhaps an explanation
for some of your gripes may be that Evo is trying to be a well behaved,
integrated Gnome client.


I'm not trying to be offensive.  Just quite frustrated with Evolution's
interface and how it forces me to work in a less efficient manner than I
am used to.  

I, personally, find Evo a straight forward, easy to use, GUI package -
note the "GUI".  It is designed to be used with a mouse & little pointy
arrow.  I would be quite disappointed if the developers spent vast
amounts of time on trying to shoe-horn in keyboard functionality into
the interface design that, to be honest, 99% of the users will not use.
I have no problem with there being such functionality, nor with people
using it, but I just don't think it should be a major design feature.

A lot of your gripes are to do with Evo not mimicking the way you are
used to doing things.  Perhaps, instead of wanting Evo to be the same as
some other package, you investigate the new and innovative things that
Evo can give you - for instance vfolders that I see you have been
pointed in the direction of - then perhaps you can see how Evo can be
more efficient.


Pete Biggs :{)        pete @   pete.biggs @
01865 275490 (Work)   pete1biggs @     pete @

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