[Evolution] Help - New to Evolution - Filters


Fedora Core 4
Evolution 2.2.3-4 (latest available via YUM)
Evolution Connector 2.2.2-5

I am new to Evolution after using Thunderbird for ages. We are forced to Exchange server and won't have pop access by the end of the year.

In the move, I have moved my email from the Thunderbird mail boxes which was a pain but it is done. I tried to recreate my Thunderbird filters to do the same actions as I did with Thunderbird. This isn't working.

The manual and the Novell support site don't help much. I followed the example from the Novell support site as well.

Now I have the filters created but they just don't work. No messages are moved or colors changed. I cannot find any way to run the filters as in Thunderbird where there is a "Run Now" button.

I have configured Connector to run filters on the server inbox.

I am at a loss and I have not been able to get my mail sorted for over a week. I have close to 3000 messages in my inbox that I want to sort.

Now going through the bug list, I see that there was an issue with not filtering mail that is "recent" which I don't understand. I just want to filter all the mail in my inbox to the individual boxes setup.

How do I run the mail filter manually?  "Run Now"?
In Thunderbird, I could select a folder and then run the chosen filter. How do I select what folder I run the filter on?

While writing this I have to ask, does the filter feature require extra wild cards or does the filter work as it does in Thunderbird. If I want to filter out messages that have Fedora in the subject, I only have to put Fedora in the description for "Subject contains".

I need to get the filters working to clean up this mess of mail that I have accumulated while changing to Evolution.

How do I test filters?

Now to go find some Aspirin. :)

Robin Laing

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