Re: [Evolution] Contacts difficulties/Milan

Brewster Gillett wrote:
It would seem this may be a bug. Either that or there's an option
switch > I have not yet found that acts to override clear and simple
instructions > from the Contacts Editor.

Milan Crha:

I agree, sounds like a bug. I've no idea whether it was already filled
or not, thus please look at and try to find


I made a really thorough search of the bugzilla list, and could not turn
up anything even close to this problem. If this *were* a bug, you'd
think it would be getting talked about all over the map - but apparently
it isn't. So that leads me to believe that it is some sort of optioning
around address list sorting that I have not yet discovered, though I've
been through every Help screen that could possibly cover it.

I am really hesitant to take up space on the buglist with something
that may not be a bug. If I am the only one experiencing this, which
seems fairly evident, that sharply reduces the chances of it being a
bug. It just defies the imagination that, if everyone running 2.28.1
was having their cards display in an order other than what they had
specified in the Contact Editor, that would not be a much-discussed

BTW Synaptics just yesterday downloaded and installed a good-sized
(though not version-changing) update to Evo, and the problem is still


    Embrace a sharing community of sustainable low-carbon diversity
W. Brewster Gillett             bg fdi us            Portland, OR  USA
Simply because you don't like to hear it, that doesn't make it untrue.

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