Re: [Evolution] Problem reading PGP encrypted message

On Thu, 2010-11-04 at 17:03 -0300, pablo a saavedra gmail com wrote:
We tried both encrypting without signing and encrypting and signing.
We are
using PGP, we generated our signatures using Gnome's password and
keys application. There's no error message, just the message with both
attachments as I mentioned.


Are you by any chance sending the emails through/to an Exchange server?
I have just been playing around with this.
I see similar behavior when receiving encrypted mail on an Exchange
server and accessing it with Evolution and IMAP.
It seems to be an exchange server problem/feature as it shows the same
way when accessing the Exchange server through a web interface.
Email that is only signed does not present a problem.

Dan Brenner                      0-
dbrenner dbrenner com      All Opinions are My Own???

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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