Re: [Evolution] Question about how to view birthday out of LDAP

On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 12:23 +0100, Leuchtfeuer18 wrote:
Is it possible to show birthdays and anniversaries of contacts which are
stored inside a LDAP adressbook (evolutionPerson scheme) in my evolution
birthday and anniversaries calendar?

it depends on your version of evolution and if your addressbook is
authenticated or not.

The actual stable (2.32.x) is having an option in address book
preferences named "Use in Birthday & Anniversaries calendar".
Unfortunately this doesn't work for books which require
username/password to be opened. It's due to design and is subject to
change. But as long as your address book doesn't require authentication,
then checking that option (and maybe restart) may work.

Older versions of Evolution are only for local address books (under On
This Computer).

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