Re: [Evolution] Evo settings are not preserved across sessions. SOLVED

On Mon, 2013-07-15 at 08:32 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Mon, 2013-07-15 at 09:45 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
These include Switcher Appearance (I don't want to see the button) and
"Mark Read After <n> Seconds", which I want turned off. When I start a
new session these have been reset to their default values.

Window size and placement are also not preserved, but the message pane
column widths are.

Other settings such as account details etc. are preserved correctly.

The parts you say are preserved correctly -- e.g. message pane column
widths and account details -- are stored in text files.

The parts you say are NOT preserved are all stored in dconf.

But I don't have enough facts to try and speculate.

Thanks Matthew. I figured it out only seconds before seeing your
post :-)

It turns out that "yum install evolution" doesn't pull in dconf. As this
is a KDE Live spin, it isn't there by default either, thus it has to be
installed manually. "yum install dconf" seems to have fixed the issue.

I'll report this to Bugzilla once I figure out which BZ to send it to.
It's really a packaging bug so perhaps the Fedora one is best.

It's surprising that Evo doesn't complain since it clearly can't store
anything in dconf (no error indication and nothing
in /var/log/messages). Perhaps that's another bug.


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