Re: [Evolution] Evolution Mail stopped working

The IT-dept got back to me just now, and let me know that they've as a
temporary workaround turned of MFA for my mail account - Evolution now works

The way I think is that since Evolution is the only mail client with proper
enterprise capabilities, it'd probably be of interest to many to get it
working with the highest security settings available as seen on Outlook at

I'm kinda wondering if there's any work being done on getting Evolution to
work with Microsoft's modified variant of OAuth2, as used by Office365
online, as it seems it currently dosn't?

What is the list's thoughts on this?

Evolution works fine with Office365 and MFA, I have it set up on
multiple machines.  What sort of MFA are you using - I know hardware
keys don't work on Linux, but the Microsoft Authenticator app is


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