Re: [Evolution] High disk usage

On Tue, 2022-10-11 at 20:26 +0200, Pelle Windestam via evolution-list
can the received messages be large, like with some attachments or
inline images? Check size of those directories under ~/.cache/,
the folders.db files are stored. Then you can check the size of the
~/.cache/evolution/http/, which is for the remote content, aka for
referenced remotely in HTML messages.

I cannot think of anything specific what would cause such writing.

P.S.: by the way, Reply to List (Ctrl+L) works better for me on

Not really, I rarely receive any large attachments. If there are any,
they are
typically pretty small PDF-files or similar. 

I located my folders.db files under ~/.cache/evolution and listed the
size of
the subdirectories in that location, and it was 12M for one account
and 686 MB
for the other. Currently evolution has written ~2GB since the last
which was just a few hours ago.

I do not have any ~/.cache/evolution/http directory. I have remote
disabled by default, perhaps that is why?

Very puzzling indeed. It would be nice to know exactly where all this
data is
written, but I do not suppose there is any existing way of doing just

ls -l /proc/$(pidof evolution)/fd

will show you every file Evo has open (many of which are sockets)

There is a way to get "live" feedback on file activity using strace,
but it's fairly hackish, e.g.

strace -p $(pidof evolution) --trace=desc|grep write

gives a flood of info which may not be that useful without decoding.

There's probably a way to use inotify to watch Evo's output, but it
would require some study to get right. And of course running under a
debugger is another option. 

Thanks for the CTRL-L trick, I will try that (using it now!).

Not a trick but the standard way to reply on lists. You can also click
on the Group Reply button, which will Do The Right Thing (Ctrl-L can't
always be used when the message you reply to wasn't sent via reply-to-


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