Re: [evolution-patches] ecal test suite - first draft

On Sun, 2004-02-22 at 06:49, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:
> hi,
> the following is the test-ecal.c file and a bash script (a scaffold
> script to run the tests multiple times and enable executing the tests
> easily. this would be replaced by a regular test harness soon :). 
> Some parts of the code marked by FIXME are still work in progress..
> i thought i would get a few more eyeballs to look at this stuff before i
> spew off any more of the code...
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Steps for running :
> 1) Copy the files into <e-d-s>/calendar/tests/ecal.
> 2) after building it, you can run the tests by
> /test-runner <path to test calendar> n
> eg: ./test-runner ~/.evolution/calendar/local/OnThisComputer/TestCal 10
> n- signifies the number of client instances to run to simulate
> parallelism (in a crude way).
> test-runner loads the test data file in the path and performs the tests 
> 3) cleanup clears the temp files...

Well you didn't send the Makefile and ChangeLog changes, but this all
looks pretty decent.  Since its a test you should go ahead and commit

JP Rosevear <jpr ximian com>
Ximian, Inc.

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