Re: [evolution-patches] [PATCH] All components, install private libs to privlibdir

On Mon, 2005-01-31 at 14:35 -0500, JP Rosevear wrote:

> Evolution is in some of BSD ports trees (at least 1.4.x is).  What are
> they doing to get around the problem there?

I checked the ports trees of FreeBSD and OpenBSD, as well as the patches
applied by Fink. I didn't find very much:

- FreeBSD has Evolution 2.0.3 and does not explicitly address this

- OpenBSD has Evolution 1.2 and does not explicitly address this 

- Fink stable has Evolution 1.4 and does not explicitly address this

Since the problem exists, and I see no other solution, I still think we
should go ahead and install some of the libraries to privlibdir. It
can't cause any harm, and might also decrease installed size (slightly).

After culling the list, this affects:

- contact-editor
- contact-list-editor
- eab-util
- filter
- smime (?)
- widgets

Hans Petter Jansson | <hpj novell com>
Evolution Developer |

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