Re: [evolution-patches] Re: [Evolution-hackers] What does the cal-backend's CAL_STATIC_CAPABILITY_SAVE_SCHEDULES mean?

    Without my patch, the to_list would not be NULL if save_schedules.

    For Evolution 1.4, it will call send_object() of the backend and hydrogen put every attendees in the returned users list. (I think the returned users list consists of users who are already handled by the backend and don't need Evolution to send again.) So in comp_to_list(), the returned to_list will be NULL. As a result, Evolution won't send out a mail when deleting a meeting from hydrogen.

    However, in Evolution 2.2.x, chen modified the line:
                if (method != CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH)
                if (method != E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH && !e_cal_get_save_schedules (client))

    So send_object() won't be called for hydrogen, and the to_list from comp_to_list() is not NULL. So Evolution will send out a mail when deleting a meeting from hydrogen.

    Anyway, is it OK to commit my patch to HEAD? And can I commit it to gnome-2-10 branch, too?

JP Rosevear wrote:
On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 10:38 +0800, Harry Lu wrote:
    Yes,  I didn't look at the code carefully. Attached is the updated 
patch. Please review it.

Looks fine as an optimzation (the to_list would be NULL if
save_schedules and it would bail out a few lines later anyhow).


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