Re: [evolution-patches] fix for a crash in connector [exchange]

Hi harish,

On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 13:30 +0530, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:
754: folder = subtrees->data;
         <== it is reassigned here before being used again.

If you see

if (hwd->priv->deep_searchable &&
    e_folder_exchange_get_has_subfolders (folder)) {
e_folder_exchange_set_has_subfolders (folder, FALSE);
729: subtrees = g_slist_prepend (subtrees, folder); <<<<<<<< Added to the subtrees GList
731: exchange_hierarchy_new_folder (hier, folder);
732: g_object_unref (folder);
Here its freed.

Then later ,
while (subtrees) {
folder = subtrees->data;  <<<<< accessing the same GList from line no : 729
subtrees = g_slist_remove (subtrees, folder);
/* Dont scan the subtree for deleteditems folder */
757: int_uri = e_folder_exchange_get_internal_uri (folder); << folder is invalid memory (already freed at line no: 732)

We are trying to access a freed memory location which causes the crash.

thanks, Chenthill.

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