Re: database version problem

[sorry - should have replied to the group]

On 2009.08.19 03:48, Paul Wellner Bou wrote:
Is there any reason not to use 0.6? Why do you want to stick with 0.4?

The "newer" version is not because of sqlite2/sqlite3 (or not only). There are some database schema changes, so the tables/columns are not the same. I don't think there is a automatic way to convert a 0.6 photos.db to a 0.4 schema. But it should be possible with not too much work to do this manually -- or at least the tags after importing the photos into 0.4 again.

By the way: If you didn't deactivate "Write metadata to files", F-Spot writes the tags into the JPGs (not RAW or others). So in this case (besides corrupting your JPG dates), you will keep the tags -- but not the icons and not the tag hierarchy.


On my wife's (Kubuntu Hardy LTS) machine, 0.4 is the only version (easily?) available, and I don't want to do a manual install there. I had put 0.6 on my machine (Gentoo) and was hoping to point both of them to the same files and photos (via nfs mount), before realizing there was a version problems. If I can get the tags back into the files (I had not been doing that previously) I'll probably end up getting things fixed up on my machine (I've now made a separate copy of the files) and then moving them back to hers. (I have few enough tags that I don't really care about the icons or hierarchy).


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