Re: Link operation

Because conceptually it?s the personas which get linked together.

> What's the preferred way for me in contacts to link two or more
> contacts the user has selected to link together ?

var personas = new HashSet<persona> ();
personas.add_all (individual1.personas);
personas.add_all (individual2.personas);
my_individual_aggregator.link_personas (personas);

> I think this should below in folks, right ?

I don?t really think it?s necessary to add another API entry point and
documentation for those four lines of code.

I have just added some examples to the IndividualAggregator
documentation which cover linking and unlinking, though. Do you think
that?s enough?

I think it's enough although I would add what happens to Individuals after the linking.

That's not clear to me yet. If I link all the personas from two individuals together, would that mean the individuals would disappear and merge into one ?

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