Re: getting ready for announcement

On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 11:43:52AM -0700, Bart Decrem wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Let me know if you have edits for the charter draft or other comments,

  If this is gonna go attached to a press release I suggest editorial
suggestion making it a bit more formal and accessible to non Gnome/non
hackers people:

<pedantic hat="on">
 - there is a number of place were contractions like "doesn't" are used
   I suggest using the longer more formal form "does not"
 - I didn't found a place where the GNOME acronym isn't expanded, IMHO
   this should be added at the very beginning:
    proposed GNOME foundation (GNOME stands for GNU ....).
 - ACL should be expanded s/ACL/Access Contol List/
 - Can we have a simpler expression for "iron-fisted structural leadership" ?
 - Expand ISV (well not sure in this case the acronym may be more widely
   recognized than the expanded form)
 - Suggest s/Heavy bureaucracy is not in our DNA/Heavy bureaucracy is not in our model/
 - application of the GNOME trademark : is Gnoem really trademarked, if not
   I strongly suggest to do it when set-up but before avoif referencing to
   it (s/trademark/logo/) for now

About open issue II :
  Q: How does standards definition *really* work?

 Absence of answer but I can report with the W3C way, we don't try to
make "standards" since we don't have (and we are far larger than the Gnome
Fundation at least at its beginning) the weight needed to enforce compliance
to standard. So we do provide technical specifications (Gnome equivalent
would be code releases and interfaces) and label then as "Recommendations"
when they should be widely deployed. I don't think the Gnome fundation
will have the weight to really make and certify standard, so it should
probably adopt a similar attitude, possibly labelling code releases and
associated APIs appropriately (like the stable/unstable one can find in
the Debian or Bsd distributions) with at some point in time a "preferred"
version, and probably an "unstable" or "head" one. Deprecating code for
older version is important too especially in the case of known secutity



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