Re: Money spending, questions for the candidates

Alan Cox wrote:
>> I just want to put this in perspective: the foundation has $200,000 in
>> the bank, with guaranteed income of $100,000 a year approx. One employee
>> costs at least $70,000 per year, and depending on the role up to
>> $100,000 or more.
>> Manpower is expensive :)
> American manpower is expensive.

French manpower is equally expensive. And British manpower too.

For example, an engineer in France might earn (depending on location,
experience, etc) €40,000 per year. Thos will cost his company, including
employer charges and so on, €60,000 per year (a little more, in fact).
The employee takes home (pre-income tax) €32,000 per year. On top of
that he'll have income tax of roughly €3,000, so he pockets €29,000 per
year. Roughly half what his company pays for his labour. €60,000 is
currently around $90,000.

AFAIK, the situation is similar in Britain - the cost of a qualified
technical employee is roughly the same to the company as in the US. More
expensive if he's in London (althoughh probably less expensive than
someone in the valley, about the same as in Boston or New York, I imagine).


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

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