Re: GNOME Store

Can we get a magnetic car gnome foot?  I would totally pay for one of those and a "best of sri" rupert quotes t-shirt.  Although you probably dont' want to put a GNOME foot logo wtih that. :) 


ps I was being a little facetious, but in many case community ware involving community members might sell just as well as GNOME brnaded stuff.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Paul Cutler <pcutler foresightlinux org> wrote:
Hi, a few of us were chatting in #marketing in IRC today, and one
topic that came up, that I believe has come up before, is the creation
of a GNOME Store to sell merchandise, such as t-shirts.

Stormy has previously talked to Zazzle, who runs the Mozilla store
(, and it sounds like it's very easy to get
up and running with them.

I'd like to propose we form a small team.  Longer term, they'd be
responsible for reviewing new artwork from the community, helping
decide which logos should be on different kinds of merchandise,
helping manage sales or clearance items, and maybe even develop some
limited time special merchandise for sale, in addition to managing the

Short term, we need the team to implement the store.  Action items I
can think of off the top of my head:

* Get a GNOME mailing list setup (gnome-store?)
* Get some artwork - In addition to our foot logo, is there previously
created GNOME artwork or logos that we can use?
* Get the artwork to Zazzle and decide what kind of merchandise we
want to launch with
* Create the GNOME store web pages in the gnomeweb-wml

(What else am I missing?)

Going forward if we can form a steering committee to help manage and
launch this, it might provide some small income to help the
Foundation.  If we can get some volunteers, especially from the art
team and web team, and anyone else, we might be able to get something

I'm more than happy to lend a hand if there is interest in getting
something like this going.

foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list gnome org

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