Re: GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections Spring 2009 - Preliminary results


Le mercredi 24 juin 2009, à 10:11 +0200, Dave Neary a écrit :
> The table on this results page shows the results with random transfer  
> STV. When this was discussed over at Maemo, it was proposed & agreed  
> that we should use the more accurate fractional transfer STV, since  
> running random transfer STV several times can give different results.

I'm sorry I won't have time to look at this closely (I'm at LinuxTag
this week), but I believe the board indeed wanted to use the same method
as the one that was used for the Maemo elections.

If this wasn't clear in the announcement sent by the board (and looking
at [1], it wasn't), then, hrm, this creates an interesting situation. I
would think it's up to the elections committee to take a decision (since
it's a bit late for the board to decide on this, with some board members
running in those elections).




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