Re: Presenting the 2009 Q2 GNOME Quarterly Report

Le samedi 12 septembre 2009, à 10:09 +0530, sankarshan a écrit :
> Hi,
> 2009/9/11 Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org>:
> > This is our first quarterly report[1]. Please let us know if you find it
> > useful!
> >
> > In these quarterly reports we want to focus on what the GNOME Foundation and
> > its members are doing, so most of the reporting is done by the teams doing
> > the work. (If you would like to contribute an update in the future, please
> > let me know.) For example, in the quarterly report, you can learn how:
> This is incredibly useful - a big thank you to all those involved in
> the production of the report. Is it possible to include a section that
> deals with what is coming up in the next quarter (in the perspective
> of plans) ?

I guess this would be up to each team to include a paragrap for this.

> I also note that the Translations Project did not have a
> segment for themselves.

Hrm. I remember a thread on gnome-i18n about the l10n part of the
report, but indeed, I don't see it in the PDF. Maybe it got lost
somewhere :/


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