Re: Meeting Minutes Published - February 1st, 2011


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Og Maciel <ogmaciel gnome org> wrote:

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy peters gmail com> wrote:
> Can you please take a look at the minutes and decide whether or not you
> participated?

With all due respect too, I would not have said what I did if I hadn't
checked the minutes. In other words, it is not lack of profissionalism
from my end, but simply being confused with the many different meeting

You represent GNOME. You are a director on the Board of Directors. You represent me and everyone of the GNOME Foundation members. If my congressman/woman could not remember if they participated in important discussions, I'd be equally concerned.

If you can't remember whether or not you were part of those conversations, it makes me feel that you must not have been paying attention.

I suppose everyone is different and perhaps you pay a lot of attention during the moment and then forget them. But it worries me ...
is. There are times that, due to work, I have to leave a meeting
before it is 100% finished. Should we come up with a new category for
this too? Half-present?

Actually, yes, I always noted when someone arrived late or left early in the minutes.

Not to make it look like they did less work but to make it clear that they might not have participated in all the discussions so their viewpoint might not be reflected.


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