Re: Question for candidates: OEMs

Quite frankly, I don't think this is a fair question to ask. We all would like that to happen of course but we don't have our own OS (at least not just yet), and there is no way Dell, or any OEM for that matter, is going to ship an OS without a well stablished commercial entity behind (from which they can reliably get the kind of support they can't get from the community), which at that point means that it won't be branded as GNOME but SUSE/RHEL... you name it.

Realistically, to have OEMs shipping GNOME in a commercial product we need a set of things we don't currently have (like people employed to work on certification, training and support).

2014-05-22 21:10 GMT+02:00 Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro gnome org>:
On Thu, 2014-05-22 at 14:35 -0400, Jeff Fortin wrote:
> - Our somewhat nonexistent OEM story

Dell is currently shipping Ubuntu computers running Unity. Wouldn't it
be desirable to see a major OEM shipping GNOME as well? If so, what
steps do you believe GNOME, and the board in particular, should take to
achieve this goal?

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