Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc gnome org> wrote:
3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

I think finding an ED should still be one of the top priorities of the new board; it's unfortunate that the previous attempt did not go well. In the meantime, board members have been stepping up to fill some of the duties like liaising with the advisory board and participating in fundraising, and I expect the new board to keep going in that direction until another candidate is found. Something else that I would also consider is changing the job description/title if the search does not appear to be fruitful.

I just wanted to add to this point that the previous search committee did a great job bringing a perspective candidate to the board, and I'm grateful for their efforts!
I realized that my previous comment could have been interpreted as a negative feeling towards the committee, but that is not at all the case.


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