Re: Submit your proposals for GUADEC 2019


you used your alias to subscribe to those mailing lists and
that is why unsubscribing using your address didn't work.
It's all fixed by now.


Il giorno mar 23 apr 2019 alle ore 12:05 Haitao Huo via
foundation-list <foundation-list gnome org> ha scritto:

I’ve being working on open source community for over a decade, trust me, I know how to unsubscribe in right 

I've tired several times but never worked for me. I did not receive any confirmation email and I keep 
receiving the mails.

On Apr 18, 2019, at 5:40 PM, kprogri <kprogri gnome org> wrote:

Hi Halton,

Sorry to hear for the spamming.
Could you please try these two links to unsubscribe:

Let me know if that doesn't work,

Best Regards,

On , Haitao Huo wrote:
Hi Kristi
I totally understand your points and could you help me on thing?
I keep receive the emails from desktop-devel-list gnome org, FTP
Releases <ftp-release-list gnome org> , maybe more mail list. I tried
to unsubcribe but all failed. Could you help me out? Those emails are
kind of spam for me now.
On Apr 12, 2019, at 7:11 PM, kprogri <kprogri gnome org> wrote:
The GUADEC Call for Papers is now officially open.  This year the
will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece from 23rd to 28th of August.
This is a great opportunity to share your ideas with the GNOME
project, as
well as the wider open source community. You don’t have to be an
member of the GNOME project to submit a talk: if you have something
interesting to say about software or technology, we want to hear
from you! If
you’re brand new to speaking, this is also a great opportunity to
get started
on your public speaking career — we welcome newcomers and provide
a friendly
Subjects that we're particularly interested in include:
1- Application development and deployment
2- Privacy and security
3- Community building and diversity
4- Design of user and developer experiences
5- Use of GNOME technologies outside the desktop
6- Encouraging new contributors
7- Project organisation and governance
8- Use of GNOME by users
However, if there is another subject that you would like to talk
about, we
would still love to receive your submission. Talks can be either 25
or 40
minutes in length, which includes time for questions.
You can find more information for proposals in:
BoFs/workshop and hacking days wiki will be updated with more
details in
the upcoming weeks.
In case you have questions for talks, please contact the papers team
guadec-papers gnome org.
For general questions regarding GUADEC please contact the organizing
team at guadec-organization gnome org.
Best Regards,
foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list gnome org

foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list gnome org



Red Hatter,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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