gobject-introspection 1.59.5

About GObject Introspection

GObject introspection provides tools and libraries to help manage its
common metadata format for representing GObject-based C APIs, designed
for bindings, documentation tools and API verification.


* gir: Include C header in cairo gir file :mr:`138` (:user:`Tomasz Miąsko <tmiasko>`)
* ccompiler: restore customize_compiler() setup for macOS. :issue:`268`
* gir: skip glib-enumtypes.h for GObject-2.0 :mr:`140`

https://download.gnome.org/sources/gobject-introspection/1.59/gobject-introspection-1.59.5.tar.xz (1.22M)
  sha256sum: c8bc9220282f2dfaef9d5721d7daedf34225b7e205930e1324e3e769bd66c63a

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