[gdome]News(2) on CVS preparing 0.7.1

      I've just committed an early version of the Traversal module: only
the NodeFilter interface is complete but this commit is a quite good
example of how commit a new module into gdome2 cvs tree.

  - Fixed EXTRA_DIST in test/apigen/Makefile
  - NodeFilter Traversal inteface implemented
  - NodeIterator Traversal inteface added empty implementation
  - Added Traversal Level 2 module to the build process

Next Tasks:
  - Add T.J. XPath module to cvs
  - Implement NodeIterator internal functions
  - Implement external and internal TreeWalker Traversal interface
  - Add Traversal interfaces to the reference counting debug system


Paolo Casarini - casarini cs unibo it

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