[Geary] geary 0.13 - problem with setting and using gmail accounts

In Xubuntu 18.04-amd64 (+Xubuntu-dev ppa's) i update to 0.13.0-1~bionic1 from ppa:geary-team/releases

Geary (with previous setup GMail account) say ~"no network connection", but me connection is sure online...

Then i try remove account and add again, select GMail from Geary Accounts window, after click to Create is show:
"Account not created: Could not connect, check your network"

Then i try install gnome-online-accounts, reload desktop, and now Geary when in Account creation select GMail show "GNOME Control Center" but window is bad/empty:

Then i try separate run gnome-control-center, is show same empty window and is need run with presetting from XFCE to GNOME:
env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center
This show window ok, in on-line account i succesfully add Google account, but after rerun Geary is again show problem with network... here is details:

Geary version: 0.13.0
GTK version: 3.22.30
Desktop: XFCE
Account id: goa_account_1550441172_0
Service host: imap.gmail.com
Error type: GIOError 38
Message: Could not connect to imap.gmail.com: Network is unreachable
Back trace:
 - _init
 - g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy
 - g_task_attach_source
 - _init
 - g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy
 - g_task_attach_source
 - _init
 - g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy
 - g_task_attach_source
 - _init
 - g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy
 - g_task_attach_source
 - _init
 - g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy
 - g_task_attach_source
 - g_socket_address_enumerator_next_finish
 - g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy
 - g_task_attach_source
 - g_proxy_address_get_uri
 - g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy
 - g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy
 - g_main_context_dispatch
 - g_main_context_dispatch
 - g_main_context_iteration
 - g_application_run
 - _init
 - __libc_start_main
 - _init

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