[gedit-list] Converting encodings

I am experiencing some problems when working with text files in gedit in which the encoding has been changed.

I have an ISO8859-1 encoded file which I edit using gedit with no problems. I wish to convert this file to UTF8 encoding. Naturally, I perform this conversion via "iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf8 foo > foo.utf8".

The new file "foo.utf8" works correctly with gedit, the accented characters appear correctly, and any file alterations result in a file with the UTF8 encoding. The old file "foo" still works correctly with gedit. Great.

However, if I "mv foo.utf8 foo" and then try to edit the resultant "foo" file in gedit, gedit continues to think the file is encoded in ISO8859-1, garbling the accented characters.

Any suggestions on how to convert text files to UTF8 such that they continue to work correctly with gedit? It is almost as though gedit caches the encoding of files it has previously opened.


Some extra info:
www office > head -1 /etc/issue
Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow)
www office > rpm -q gedit
www office > echo $LANG


 Jon Lapham  <lapham extracta com br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
 Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA     http://www.extracta.com.br/
 Web: http://www.jandr.org/

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