Re: [gedit-list] gedit and gtksourceview

Il giorno gio, 08/12/2005 alle 20.04 +0100, Maximilian Treiber ha
> Hi List,

Hi Maximilian!

> i just tried to compile the new_mdi gedit with the new
> folding+newhl branch of gtksourceview.
> Unfortunately all the new syntax files already included
> (like for c), cause gedit to crash (currently).

the new highlighting engine requires some API and ABI changes so when it
will be ready we'll release gtksourceview 2 and applications, gedit
included, will need to be ported to use the new API. (the api changes
should be pretty limited so porting should be rather easy, the main
issue that needs to be sorted out is the handling of styles: has some discussion about
folding+newhl branch is even more experimental, in fact at the moment it
is just Jeroen's playground to do some experiments.

> I was working on an editor suited for my needs using
> gtksourceview but was really disappointed by the current
> highlighting capabilities.

Yes, please do not write YAGTE (yet another gtk text editor :) we really
welcome help both with gedit and gtksourceview.
We also know that the current highlighting engine has limitations
(though I think it's usable most of the time), that's why the new engine
is being developed.

> Now i thought about canceling my project and write
> some gedit plugins instead.
> So my questions: Does it already make sense to write
> plugins for gedit-newmdi or should i wait until it gets a bit
> more stable ? (Will the plugin-architecture change in
> near future ?)

Yes, it definaltely makes sense. new_mdi will be merged into HEAD very
soon now and for my day to day usage it's fairly stable (bugreports and
testing are really appreciated!).
The plugin api should be stable and we don't plan to change it unless
problems turns up. Once again if you develop a plugin and encounter an
api that can be improved, we would welcome feedback a lot.

> Will the new_mdi branch eventually include the new gtksourceview
> stuff when its going to be released ? Or later ?

the new hl engine of gtksourceview is independent of new_mdi. Currently
our focus is on finishing new_mdi. On the other hand the new hl engine
should be fairly stable modulo the problem with Styles, so once that is
sorted out make gedit use (maybe conditionally) the new gtksourceview
should just be a matter of a small patch.

> Is it a good idea to write plugins who modify highlighting ?
> Like autocompletition related stuff ?

Definately. Some of that may well be suited for inclusion in
gtksourceview itself. Feel free to post any further question and ideas
on what you plan to do. Or drop by in #gedit on to have a
chat with us.



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