Re: [gedit-list] Bonobo usage in Gedit

Ryan McDougall wrote:


I hope this is the correct place to talk about developing gedit, if not
please let me know.


If you want you may also drop by in #gedit on irc and take a look at

I decided to look around gedit, and maybe start hacking it, and I
noticed that it uses Bonobo. Bonobo is still a bit of black magic to me,
so I was wondering what it is used for in gedit? Would d-bus be suitable
given the trend of removing Bonobo from components due to its
Yes, bonobo is still used in gedit, but getting rid of it is definately on the plan!

It is used for two things:

1 - libbonoboui is used for menus and toolbars: this is due to the fact that when a plugin system was added to gedit we needed a way to merge/unmerge menu items dinamically and libbonoboui was the only viable solution. As of gtk 2.4, GtkUIManager has been integrated in gtk and we should migrate our menus to use it. However this is a *big* task, it requires redesigning how the gedit MDI works and to modify all the plugins: the wiki page has some more details about this.

2 - bonobo-activation-server is used to ensure that only one instance of gedit is running. The basic idea is this: the first time gedit is run, it starts a sessionwide server, if another instance of gedit is launched before the first one is closed it connects to the server and requests it to open a new window or tab and then it exits. This design allows to not duplicate memory usage for all the instances running and also allows interactions between a window an another (like dragging a tab from a window to another) without out of process communication. D-BUS is definately one of the candidates to replace bonobo in (2), but we haven't yet investigated the details (Note that properly implementing this solution is not specific to gedit, enforcing a unique instance with bonobo-activation-server is quite common in gnome applications)

That said, note that gedit doesn't use the real bonobo black magic (bonobo components, property bags, monickers and all that stuff) and more than possible hack on gedit ignoring how bonobo works.

Hope that helps, if you have more questions just ask.


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