Re: [gedit-list] How to change default encoding when saving?

> Which is your default locale? (run 'locale' to get it)
> IIRC, the default locale should be the default one.
Nope, it's not the default. UTF-8 is always there and we tried to strace
the configs, rpm -ql gedit2 and grep thru whole gedit. The option to
choose the default should definately be there, the editor is nice, but
since it's too early for UTF-8 everywhere we need to use our locale.

You are right.
But I'm not sure we need an option to select the default enconding.
I see 3 possible solutions:
1. remember the last encoding chosen by the user
2. adding a gconf key to configure the default encoding (but not a user visible preference)
3. always use the current encoding as default (while saving).

What do you think?

Please, file a bug report against gedit in and add a reference to this thread (you get the URL in the ML archive).


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