Re: [gedit-list] latex syntax highlighting

Jorn Op Den Buijs wrote:
I'm currently using Gedit 2.6.2 under Solaris 10 on SunBlade 2000. I
frequently use LaTeX (teTeX distribution), and Gedit has a convenient
syntax highlighting option for LaTeX. However, when I delete larger
chunks of the .TeX document, Gedit crashes on me. This does not seem to
happen when I turn syntax highlighting off. Anyone familiar with this,
or has a solution?

I suspect this being fixed a long time ago, but I may be wrong. gedit 2.6.2 is almost two years old and a good deal of fixes went in in the mean time... However a backtrace of the crash would be helpful (see

I understand that upgrading to a newer gedit may be painful since it pulls many other dependencies on newer gnome components, however maybe you can try to upgrade to gtksourceview 1.4.2 which should not require any further packages and see if the crash goes away.


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