Re: [gedit-list] Trying 2.25.2 on ubuntu

Op woensdag 17-12-2008 om 15:52 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Doug
> I'm interested in learning about gedit in a whole lot more detail. In 
> fact I want to experiment with parts of the source. But I need a 
> reliable version that I can use for everyday things.
> So. . . .
> I downloaded 2.25.2 and set it up in a directory in my home folder. 

If you want a stable version, than you should go for the 2.24 series
(2.25.x are development versions).

> ./config and make seemed to go just fine, though the text output 
> seemed excessive, and I got a gedit executable. With a few worries 
> about what executing it might do to all of those .gedit support files 
> in my home directory I shut down ubuntu's gedit and tried to execute 
> from the directory where the new executable appeared:
> < from terminal>
> Mars> ./gedit ~/ScratchPad  &  # That's a file I use with gedit all day long.
> (gedit:18106): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Could not load desktop file 
> '/usr/local/share/applications/gedit.desktop': No such file or 
> directory
> Segmentation fault
> </from terminal>

Ok, you cannot run gedit like that without installing it first (it
should not crash with a segmentation fault though, could you please file
a bug about this?).

What I normally do is to install gedit in a local directory. This can be
achieved by running: ./configure --prefix=$HOME/install (this will then
use $HOME/install as the installation directory). After doing 'make' you
should then do 'make install' which installs the necessary files.

One useful thing to do is to change the identifier for the bacon
connection (otherwise, if you already have your distro gedit open, it
will not open your home built gedit). To do this you need to do
something like this in gedit/gedit.c:

-	connection = bacon_message_connection_new ("gedit");
+	connection = bacon_message_connection_new ("gedit-svn");

You can then either run gedit from within the source directory, or add
something like $HOME/install/bin to your PATH (or what I like to do is
add a small script in $HOME/bin to launch the development gedit).

Jesse van den Kieboom


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