[gedit-list] syntax highlighting for fortran 95


as a lover of gedit I want to bring to your attention an
issue that I don't know how to address otherwise.

When using gedit for fortran source code, I like to turn on
View > Highlight Mode > Sources > Fortran 95.

This turns all comment lines, those with a capital C or lower case
c in column 1 blue. Often there is text on the comment line, in which
case the next line is kept at its original color (depending on what
it contains, a command, a declaration, etc.).
But, when there is no text on a comment line, only a 'C' or 'c',
the program colors the next line blue also, irrespective of what it
contains, which makes it difficult to separate comments from commands
by color only. You can sidestep this behavior easily by putting a blank
behind the 'C', so that a comment line starts wtih 'C ' or 'c '.

I believe the fortran-95 standard is to use blank lines to separate
blocks of code or text. However, programs originally written in fortran-77
often used a single 'C' to separate blocks of code, since blank lines were
somehow an anathema or forbidden or whatnot (I don't remember, and i didn't
find a reason, it just 'was'). So, if you edit a legacy program with a lot
of fortran-77 code you have to diddle with the comment lines to make the
code stand out the way you want to.

Could you comment on this issue? I'm perfectly willing to change the
comments in the code to conform to gedit's ideosynchrasies, but before I
do and then pass the code to others I'd like to confirm that this is
indeed a correct view of the situation.

Thank you,

Nino R. Pereira

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