[gedit-list] "svn commit" and EDITOR=gedit

Hi all,

A silly question (already asked on SVN's ml, without luck):

The problem is a user[1] who wants to use gedit to write commit messages
for SVN. The obvious first try is "export EDITOR=gedit", but gedit is
too clever for that: if an instance of gedit is already running, then
gedit acts as a client, asks the running instance to open the file,
_end exits immediately_. svn thinks the user is done with the edition,
and complains about an empty commit message.

I google'd a bit, but "gedit svn" tells me a lot about the SVN repo
for gedit, but much less about solving my problem :-(.

Is there a good solution, other than killing already running gedit's
before launching "svn commit"? What do gedit developer use to commit
to SVN?



[1] for completeness: the user is not me, I'm just an Emacs-user
    trying not to impose Emacs to his students ;-).

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