[gedit-list] Direct color settings removed from gedit?


I just recently upgraded my Ubuntu distribution to a newer version and noticed that gedit of the newer version (gedit 2.20.3) doesn't have something that I the older one (unknown version) did: Color selectors for setting text color in Settings. The help page for Font & Colors Preferences still says (in v2.20.3):

"Click on the Normal text color color button to display the color selector dialog. Select a color to use to display normal text in the gedit text window. "Click on the Background color color button to display the color selector dialog. Select a background color for the gedit text window."

But, alas, those buttons are not available anymore. It seems that the color model system has replaced the direct settings for text and background color -- and that's not so good because it pushes the free color selection beyond the reach of many ordinary (non-developer) users. And the four color models available by default show only black and white for normal text (i.e. not in a programming language mode).

Well, I managed to change text color by copying, modifying, and installing/adding an existing color model. But I find that for simple settings like text color, the color model system makes a simple thing difficult. Would it be too much trouble to have both the color model system and the direct color selectors so that the selectors would override the respective model colors when a color selector is applied?
Thank you.

Best Regards,

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