[gedit-list] re 2 docs side by side

2009/2/18 <gedit-list-request gnome org>

>My next question: Is there any way to open 2 documents side by side for
>analysis?  Kind of like a diff between the two?

If you open a second document, perhaps an archived version, you'll
get another tab in the gedit window. If you then right click on the
tab you'll get an option to move that tab to a new window. With line
numbers enabled you have a fighting chance of comparing the files

There is a plugin called SplitView2 which has line numbering in both tabs.

SplitView 2

Alternate SplitView plugin with a couple of additional features. Download: http://www.psyguygames.com/SplitView2.tar.gz

I hope this helps.

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