[gedit-list] My thanks and hoped for improvements to Gedit

Hello gentlemen

I wish to thank you for giving me this great product that has so much potential.

I'm an old amateur Sifi writer that has withdrawal symptoms since leaving WordPerfect and starting on Fedora with your product. I know that Gedit is a text editor not a word processor. The potential is there to make an even better product.

There is no language called plain text but some tricks could go under this heading if it were made.

I stumbled upon the fact that 'Dos Batch' makes my quotes a different colour. This is great for finding missing quotes. Could this be an option under plain text? I don't need the list of reserved words highlighted as well.

I'm obliged to make a great many odd names. My stories cover many novels so the list gets quite extensive. Spelling in my native English is difficult enough. I was hoping to find a way of typing a shortcut that brings up a list of names starting with the letter 'A.' The mouse or a keystroke could insert the name in the document. Another shortcut may bring up a list with names, places or things that start with 'B'.

I use Gedit to read most of my documents even if I have to convert them to text. Being an old fart means I have less cognitive powers. I find a problem on occasion with leaving the right side of one line and starting the line below. Nautilus has a background that alternates one on one. This would be great in Gedit even if it were one on three.

Thank you again for making my life richer. Now if I could only find a easy programming language to learn, something that may use an advanced abacus.

Thanks for also making it easy for me to ask these questions.

Rex Welsh

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