Re: [gedit-list] Reg. gedit help pages.


whichever way you prefer is fine for us.


On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 12:19 PM, Sindhu S <sindhus live in> wrote:

I'm currently an intern with GNOME documentation team through the Outreach Program for Women 2013 (round 1). I noticed that in gedit's help pages, some mallard tags are missing, also there are few inconsistencies. For example, instead of using <steps> tag, <list type="numbered"> has been used. In addition there are a few typos in the tags leading pages that don't validate using yelp-tools. 

May I create a separate branch on gedit's git.gnome.orgrepository to push changes I have made locally? Which I hope can later be merged into master upon the developers' review and approval.

Or would it be feasible for me to file a bug on the bugzilla page and submit patches there?
I feel this would be cumbersome for my mentor or the developers to review, hence am asking permission to create a branch on gedit's repository.

Thank you.


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