[gedit-list] Open files lose their anchor after directories moved

Dear Gedit

Would you please keep an eye on what's happening with directories when you are busy with documents?

I've always got numerous gedit files open. Every now and again I have to rearrange a directory. It's usually a notion that has caught me while I'm in the middle of working on something. (That's the way these things work. When I'm not working on something I'm normally working on something else, so the notion doesn't occur to me).

I then invariably find that I come back to what I was doing after jigging my directories to find that all my gedit files have lost their anchors. None of them can be saved, of course. What's worse is you might not remember when each was last saved. And because they all now required to be saved, and you want to be safe, you could be sucked into a nightmare where you have to compare innumerable file sizes / word counts to judge if the one you have open is up do date.

One way to avoid doing this is to avoid jigging directories when you have Gedit files open. But this is not practical. It's not often you jig directories. So when you do, you tend not to think of arcane precautions you might want to take in order to avoid treacherous holes the designers have left in the GIU/OS. Good software lets you do what you need to do without having to second guess whether it's going to trip up. It's also not practical to interrupt what you are doing by closing everything down in order to do a minor, spur of the moment tweek of your working environment: it's the file editing equivalent to having to reboot your machine after installing new software. It's a real drag.

Great editor, btw. Can you make it possible for the highlight behaviour to be set in preferences?


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