Re: [gedit-list] Issues with SyncTeX plugin

Well, I do get the following message when I open a file:

TypeError: on_saved_or_loaded() missing 1 required positional argument:

Apart from that, I just get some warnings when the Preferences -> Plugins
dialog is displayed (where I can un-check and then re-check the SyncTeX
plugin in order to make it work again):

sys:1: Warning: The property GtkButton:xalign is deprecated and shouldn't
be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
sys:1: Warning: The property GtkAlignment:left-padding is deprecated and
shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.


Hi Pieter,

do you get any error when you run gedit from a terminal?


On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 3:25 PM, <pieter redpanda nl> wrote:

Hi all,

The SyncTeX plugin only seems to work when manually adding/checking it
the preferences dialog. After closing gedit and restarting it, the
is still checked, but it doesn't do anything (and the "Forward Search"
option is greyed out). How do I fix this? I'm using gedit 3.14 on a
Arch Linux system.

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Ignacio Casal Quinteiro

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