Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] WGO Update Status

I'm close. Today, I finished porting the old tutorials all to the new
infrastructure, and I _think_ I've finished porting old pages over.

For reference, the list of old URL's for the site can be found on this

The actual list will be linked at the end.

Can anyone please take a moment to eyeball the list and provide any

I am also soliciting any feedback in general on the site ( I incorporated some of the changes that jimmac
suggested, and am still looking for input/suggestions on things like the
verbiage on the new front page, as well as anywhere else.

I think you have done a tremendous job and don't feel qualified to contribute.

The Digital black and white conversion tutorial was excellent. My only comment would be to up the copyright 
notice to 2001-2015


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