Re: [Gimp-web] Help to

Hi Peylight  -

So, one of the ideas that come through is that what the KDE folks have
for their  "KDE Store" might attend everything we'd need on the server
side. (Given the rper diplomacy and comunication, we might evenbe able
to share the install and servers and not have to run our own) .

Then, with that, and a GIMP plug-in we could have something in-app to
manage resources  - that would be the "best possible scenario" for
some people working on GIMP.

(Don't expect consensus though  - things are in early stage, and
people may go passionate).

But as a first step, if you are willing, you might try to check the
exact software and capabilities run by the Kde Store, and get us in
touch with their maintainers -
(Yes, getting in touch with people and keeping porper contact is also
part of the volunteer work that has to be done)


On 22 April 2017 at 10:39, Pat David <patdavid gmail com> wrote:
Hi peylight!

We have some ideas about possibly federating plugin repositories and making
them available though an interface on GIMP, but we're always glad to hear
suggestions or ideas! What do you have in mind?

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 3:45 PM peylight <peylight riseup net> wrote:

Hello all

I see a message in address and i got sad.

My knowledges about security and websites are good. So as an information
security specialist, I'd be glad to help GIMP web sites team to make
more secure websites (If you need).

Best Regards,

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gimp-web-list gnome org

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