[Glade-devel] Embedding glade in other applications (like IDE)


We won't be using ORBit or some other middleware. I remember I had a informal
discussion on this with Jeroen (one of the, if not the, lead programmers on
Scaffold -  an IDE), and campd, and we had thought that it would be just 
simple and nice to provide a simple C interface. And on top of that people
can make bindings for languages like C++, Ruby, Java, Python etc..

Now, work towards making this happen hasn't been deliberately started, but
the way the code in glade-3 works is such that it is possible to do so with
relative ease. This is because all components are seperate classes (good ol'
OO programming :D).

All we need is

1) some more discussion on a standard API
2) someone to code a shared library layer to encapsulate all of these

Both relatively simple (Hey! This ain't the GtkFileSelector :-) ) to do if
someone gets down to it


Sridhar R <sridharinfinity yahoo com> writes:


I'm not sure whether glade-2 supports this (i.e. using
glade as a widget or component within applications
like IDE).
Somewhere else I saw glade-3 people are working
componetizing glade.

I am actually working on a IDE project.  In that, I
like to use glade as the GUI designer (instead of
reinventing the same wheel).

But the problem is using glade within application. 
Also my application is intended to be portable to all
platforms where gtk is portable.  

My doubt is how can I use glade-3 within my own IDE
project.  Do glade-3 uses ORBit or something else.  If
so, is that library (eg. ORBit) portable to non-UNIX
systems like MS-Windows?  Well. where can I get

Currently the only trivial solution is to hack on
glade sources to use them in my project. (But that
isn't good way as it is very difficult to keep with
glade cvs).

Looking for you answers ....

Sridhar R <r_sridhar users sf net>

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