[Glade-devel] GtkComboBoxEntry & focus-out-event.

You could try connecting the signal handler manually in your code,
just after creating the window. That should work OK.
Maybe I should allow selection of the child widget within Glade.

Yes, adding a "g_signal_connect" for the child works OK. However, I =
that the developer user who is using Glade should be in control, rather =
that I am having to make arbitrary exceptions in C-code. How do I know =
the signal is for the child or parent? All should work using the =
"glade_xml_signal_autoconnect" function. In the current implementation I =
work around that by putting a prefix or suffix to the signal for =
indicating that this signal is meant for the child. This is probably =
to be messy, so even though I like the new single widget implementation =
the GtkComboBoxEntry opposed to the old OptionMeny, I think the =
of selecting the child widget in Glade has to be available for reasons =

Thanks for response Damon.


On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 06:22, Bas Driessen wrote:
Hello Again,
Some additional info regarding question below. If I want to set a
"focus-event-out" on a GtkComboBoxEntry, what I probably really want
to do is link this event to the child of the=20
GtkComboBoxEntry GTK_BIN
(combo_box)->child.  which would be the GtkEntry widget. So=20
I guess my
questions then are the following:
- How can I set a "focus-event-out" for the text child of the new
GtkComboBoxEntry using Glade?
- If I can't make a seperation between parent and child in Glade,
should the glade_xml_signal_autoconnect function in Libglade handle
this situation? So where a combination of GtkComboBoxEntry &
focus-out-event does not make sense, then try to set that=20
to the child
for instance?
-----Original Message-----
        Question regarding the new GtkComboBoxEntry. According the
        documentation, this is a text entry field with a dropdown
        list. With my "normal" GtkEntry I use the signal
        "focus-out-event". This event works good for me since it
        responds to both focus change by mouse as by the tab key. My
        question is, why is this focus-out-event not working with
        GtkComboBoxEntry? I know you can/have to use=20
"changed" signal
        to get the text entry field updated with a value from the
        list, but if I want to type in a text without selection and
        this text is not in the list, I would like to have to option
        of "focus-out-event".
        Can I add this signal to this object? If not what is a good
        alternative signal to use.
        focus-out-event was working with the old(er) GtkCombo.

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