[Glade-devel] How to mark a project as modified?

I know the bugzilla is the recommended place to file bugs, but I think
it would be useful to discuss it here.

Steps to reproduce the bug:
  Create a new project in glade (3.6.7)
  Add a toplvevel window
  Save the project
  Modify the height or width of the window: glade "mark" the project
as modified.

It doesn't seems to be a complicated bug and I want to fix it myself,
but I need guidance on the code. So, my questions are:
How can I "mark" a project as modified? Which callback (chain) is
called when the user changes a window name? Which callback is called
when the user changes a window width?

Having the answers for these questions would (I think) be enough for
me to fix this bug myself.


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