[Glade-users] how to add a library

Hello Taka:
In looking at your question, I am not clear if you are wanting to add
a file, a function or a library.

If you want to add your own file, go to the glade FAQ, it is clear.
Same if you want to add your own function, just shove it in your own
file and see the FAQ.

Follow it up with a good dose of autogen.sh and make...

Otherwise if you are interested in adding libraries ...
The FAQ on adding libraries was confusing, so this is what I did: 
  1. edit projects/something/src/Makefile.am
  2. execute projects/something/autogen.sh
  3. make
My makefile.am looks like this:
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in

## TO integrate MYSQL library
## add the path to MYSQL so make can find it:

## Replace the original INCLUDES WITH THE ONE BELOW
##      -DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \
##      -DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(prefix)/$(DATADIRNAME)/locale"\" \
## TO integrate MYSQL
## replace the INCLUDES def with the following:
     -DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \
     -DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(prefix)/$(DATADIRNAME)/locale"\" \

bin_PROGRAMS = ssarts

ssarts_SOURCES = \
        main.c \
        support.c support.h \
        interface.c interface.h \
        ssarts_support.c ssarts_support.h \
        mysql_stuff.c mysql_stuff.h \
        callbacks.c callbacks.h

## Replace the original def of somethin_LDADD 
## TO integrate MYSQL using static libs
##  define ssarts_LDADD as follows: 
##ssarts_LDADD = @PACKAGE_LIBS@ \
##-lz ${MYSQLPATH}/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a
## TO integrate MYSQL using dynamic libs
##  define ssarts_LDADD as follows: 
-L${MYSQLPATH}/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient

Good luck,

Here are the changes

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 05:33:46 -0700 taka hashi <wwtaka hotmail com> wrote:
My name is Takahashi using glade2.0.
I don't know how to add a library to a project.
please give me an advice.

is the following method incollect?

1) edit [makefile.am]
  INCLUDES = $(default)
                    -I(my own library name)  <add>
  project1_LDADD = $(default)
                            -L(my own library name) <add>

2) do [autogen.sh].

3) add (a) function of my own library in callbacks.c.

after 1)-3),
when doing [make], undefined reference to (a)  showed.

why undefined?

$B!c(B takahashi wwtaka hotmail com $B!d(B

$B%F%#>pJs%;%s%?!<(B http://www.microsoft.com/japan/protect/hm.asp

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