[Glade-users] List or Tree View?

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 17:54, Louis Bouchard wrote:
I am trying to figure out how or it the list or tree view will solve my 

I need a setup where the user can enter an unlimited number of rows of 
information into one window in a row/column setup. The setup will be 
like this:

Juristiction   Beginning Number   Ending Number
<Information entered into rows for each juristiction>

It looks like list view would solve my problem but I cannot see any way 
to make it useful. If I am looking at the wrong solution, please tell me 
if there is a better way to do this.

Please note that I cannot have a upper limit on the number of rows due 
to the nature of what I am trying to develop.

The GtkTreeView widget was designed for use with a large number of rows,
I think. So 1000s of rows should be OK. But you should try it out first.

It takes a while to get used to the model/view code, but there is
documentation at:


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